If there are problems with your original production process, such as poor stability, low yield or cumbersome process, we can evaluate the original production process for you and improve it to solve the existing problems.
We have expert team to assist customer to develop purification process for their target molecules with high purity and desirable yield. Tech transfer service is also available to help customers launching the process at their own facility.
If your purification process requires scale-up production, or you encounter problems during scale-up, we will provide you with reasonable solutions to help you succeed in large-scale production.
If your process development time is limited, we can also provide you with resins cleaning process development and life-cycle verification services.
Bestchrom offers customized resins and pre-packed columns to tailor to the particular chromatography requirements of customers. Customized services are easily accessible to customers with special project-scale, sample sizes, target molecules, and project applications.
The appearance of the solution is a must test item for raw material used for injection, which usually includes the clarity, turbidity and color of liquid.
In R&D of bio-pharmaceuticals, rapid optimization of upstream and downstream process conditions, enhanced process efficiency and improved product quality have long been the core goals of R&D team.
Biological products using human or animal materials risk viral contamination from raw materials or additives during preparation and formulation stages.